How to Draw Webkinz Animals
thanks penny for the tips
I am amazed that you have all of these how to draw webkinz pages.
When you have the time please make more!
Love ,Deanna
Ok Deanna,I will make more VERY soon!
thanks penny for making more how to draw webkinz!
No problem!I take a picture of new 1s when I can!
Wow! Cool! penny you have the best site in the world!
PENNY. ANSWER MY QUESTIONs. Thank you from tinytorgi. Owner of 567 webkinz
there isnt even 567 webkinz!
So what if there isn't 567 webkinz. I have 15. Love your page Penny please make more. Suggestion the chocolate lab,yellow lab and the unicorn.
–see ya
I agree archery chick!!!!!
on January 27, 2008 at 3:45 pm | Reply Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My webkinz account got busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost ALL my kinzcash, and ALL my stuff. PLEASE i am BEGGING, add me, and send me just some basic stuff, like a bathtub, sink, fridge, ECT. and some food, or all 109 of my poor webkinz will starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, I BEG of you, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my username is srsr, no caps, there are tears dripping down my face. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey what a cool site Penny just saying it would be cool if u could find out how to make the duck and some lil kinz!!
hi i absalotly love webkinz i have two webkinz a panda and a black lab the games are so fun to play i have so many friends
my serart coad is not working
some one has the same coad
I wish I did not have to have the same serart coad
I love to draw webkinz
love miley cycry
I DREW THE PENGUIN ( didn't cme out well) make how to draw tie dye frog and chcolate lab pleaSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE 5 WEBKINZ ( NEED MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
well i draw all of them.they all turned out well.
did you know miley cyrus goes to church.
hi i wanted to know if you could make us draw the turtle and then i will tell all of my firends to come on this web sight
I love this, keep it up!!!
My friend just gave me the cheeky dog, penguin, duck, and another St.Bernard! I named the duck John Lemmon. I also just got the Turtle and the Brown Dog!
I loved the lion, is`s my favorite webkinz!!!
Give me your user name, and I will send you a cooler!!!
My user name is ollieisgr8 or Leonardolion212
penquins are very easy to draw. u should try!its fun
Everywhere I click people are cussing! PLEASE stop or get off this site!!!!!!!!!
I just like the drawing on the website! but its to hard
god rocks miley cyruses family is really crazy. like her mom and her dad had kids before they had her soo they dont like to take care of her soo they hand her over to her mamas. ya REALLY CRAZY! im not trying to break ur love of hannah but its the truth
Will you please make all of the webkinz how to draw webkinz so i put them all of them on a peice of on the wall with all of the webkinz pets on it for my pets to see how they look on line with all of there best friends next to them?????????????????????? If you can you are sooooooooooooooooooooo cool to me and my pets. If you don't I will go CRAZY all day long on the world wide website looking for all of the pets to draw.
i love webkinz they are so cute
you need to get the collie
I wish there was 'How to Draw the Chihuahua'. The Chihuahua is definitely one of my favorites!!!
ugh not mine. no offense i think their too yappy
I mean the Chihuahua Webkinz- they're realllllly cute. I do like the real animal chihuahua… but they're kinda scary. My cousin has one and it ate my sock! My favorite type of REAL dog is a Pomeranian – ADORABLE!! But yeah the real kinda Chihuahua is not my favorite dog either… just one of my favorite WEBKINZ.
madison are u on??or anyone else
You have make so many so fast! When are you going to make more and answer stuff?
hey! i am so tired of this site. people are saying webkinz are more important then good! its ridiculous! and they say i am a weirdo cuz i am talking about god being my savior and they need to think about what they say includes cussing and saying oh my g o d. uggh i am sick of it!
Sorry these people are like this.Feel free to talk about God and maybe they will be changed!Remember,you are an example of God everywhere you go! 😀 Thanks,
Also,for the safety for younger children and EVERYONE on this site,I am re-inforcing the security system so every 1 who is rude,mean,cusses,or lies will be banned!
is anybody on?????????????????????????
omg thanks for tips i drow every animal thanks lots:)
on May 10, 2008 at 4:15 pm | Reply webkinz lover mayi
i am webkinz #1 fan!
on May 10, 2008 at 4:16 pm | Reply webkinz lover mayi
on May 10, 2008 at 4:17 pm | Reply webkinz lover mayi
everyone what is your favorite webkinz!?
on May 11, 2008 at 7:59 pm | Reply webkinzcollecter
Penny, your site is awesome! Godlover83, I haven't seen you around anywere in a while.
hey u guys i think webkinz r soooooooooooo kool!i have 41!
How do you make this crazy pictures? LOL LOL LOL.
I love webkinz there so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey if you want to add me on webkinz my usrename is:beathoven09
do any of you know how to draw the webkinz chihuawa?
can you plz make a picture of the turtle???????????????????????????=]
I drew the penguin and it turned out really cute, but I don't know how to put it on this site. And also step #3 is cut of. so I had to draw from what I saw on step #5.
do you know how to draw a chihuahua?
thats my pet chico (chihuahua)
hey awsome drawings!!
do u know how to draw the spotted leopard?
if so plz add it
thx luv ur site
Have you seen the new webkinz like the manatee and the skunk and goldfish?????
penny we have alot of things in commen my dog is a white terrier his name is sand and one of my fav colors are purple
i love all the webkinz thanx dor teaching how to draw them
Hi this is Deanna Again thanks for the new webkinz pages
also, can someone post how to draw a yorkie?
awsome drawings i got them all on paper now i can give them to my sis harli she loves them so much and cool web site you are the bom have fun this year in school even though its sucks oh well we cant do anything. seeya lata allagator hahahahahahahahahahahahah lol so hard i just fell out of my chair but im good hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha well gtg see ya soon i'll check this site soon.
Hi, i really like persian cats ,lionesses,please make them!!! Ps visit my web
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