Can a Lefty Shoot a Right Hand Shotgun Easy in Three Gun


  • #1

Ok, I have this idea.

Just think about it for a second.....Think of the advantages a left handed shooter would have using a right handed rifle. His off hand can load and run the bolt without changing his shooting position. Not to mention that checking their windage adjustment is just a matter of opening their right eye. A right hand shooter shooting a right hand rifle has to break cheek weld to check their windage not to mention break position to cycle the bolt and reload.

Maybe Im nuts but the next rifle Im going to build will be a lefty....Ive got to try this out...And too bad that there isnt a less expensive option for a scope that will put the windage on the left side other than USO.....sure wish I could still afford one of those but unfortunately those days are gone.


  • #5

Re: Right Handed Shooter Left Bolt

The thumb issue is a non existent issue for me as I do not place my thumb in the typical position, it sits about where the safety is at.

My train of thought is following Redmanss.........

  • #7

Re: Right Handed Shooter Left Bolt

I'm a lefty. First half of my life I shot right handed rifles lefty. Now I shoot right handed... Almost exclusively. The main reason is because I'm right eye dominant. When I shot lefty I used my left eye with no problems. The only advantage I noticed to shooting right handed rifles left handed was the position the buttstock sits in your shoulder. I always had to lose my cheek-weld to cycle the bolt so that wasn't a plus, I'm more comfortable re-setting my grip and trigger finger position after each shot anyway so that wasn't a plus and for me, working the bolt with my right hand while I was in the shooting position was just uncomfortable. I'm sure I could have gotten used to it but didn't see a reason.

What you're thinking makes sense logistically but will take some getting used to.


  • #8

Re: Right Handed Shooter Left Bolt

Im sure it will take some getting used to for sure. And since my life doesnt depend on my bolt gun tactics any longer Im more than willing to throw a monkey wrench into things to see how it works out.

Also if Im using a rear sand bag I dont have too many reservations in letting go of it to cycle the bolt....I tend to try to get my rear bag to support everything without having to squeeze it anyhow.



Full Member Inflation
  • #14

Re: Right Handed Shooter Left Bolt

I shoot RH rifles left handed. Your instructor was right as you should be able to know how to shoot right handed, but very mistaken if his point what to shoot a RH rifle right handed. There is one advantage to shooting a LH rifle left handed and that is for positional shooting. If you're not shooting positional, then shooting a RH rifle is BY FAR the better way.


  • #15

Re: Right Handed Shooter Left Bolt

Well it looks like there are extreme opinions either way.....I have a Lefty coming as we speak and will give it a shot to see what happens....Ive got to buy some parts for it eventually (it might be a bit since other bills are going to take priority for a while) But I will make sure to start up a new thread with my findings and put a link from it here.


  • #21

Right handed bolts work better for right handed people. Left handed bolts work better for left handed people. I am a lefty and shot right handed rifles for years. I promise you that it is a big mistake to do opposite bolt configuration. You can run a bolt gun faster, and get back on target quicker with left bolt left hand. Your right hand can do what it is supposed to with the rear bag or rifle support.


  • #24

I'm a lefty, left eye dominant. Been shooting right bolted rifles for years. I find it simple to run a bolt this way on the bench or prone. Where it becomes and issue for me is freehanded off-hand. I've always thought the what if's? Right side of face / head exposed to breech, action of a weapon.
I sold my MRAD this week here on SH.. Thanks👍🏼
Will build my own on a Lefty Cadex Lite Strike Chassis, TL3, TT Diamond, APA Lil' B and Shilen SSM bbl.
See how that goes and may sell all my, well most other righty's.


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